Saturday, June 30, 2012

Welcome back Grandma and Grandpa!

Grandma and grandpa came out for a 2 week visit.  We had an amazing time, not to mention they helped us out tremendously.  We hiked around Tony Grove, went to the zoo, fed the ducks, played at the playground, played in the sprinkler, and they got to see Ramsey's swimming lessons.  Lyla even grew out of the newborn size while they were here. She loves her new swing and Ramsey loves his garbage truck and car carrier truck. 
And best of all we had free babysitting for a night on the town!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

One Month!

This is Lyla at one month old and doing well. She was 5 lbs. 14 oz and 19 inches long at the doctor appointment.  The doctor said she was growing fast and looks perfect.  
 Below is Lyla on her first chariot ride and Ramsey on his new balance bike.  He has gotten pretty fast and can jump and down the curbs.  I guess he takes after his Dad!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Bye Bye Grammy

We were very fortunate to have my mother come out the day after Lyla was born.  She stayed for 3 weeks and was a huge help.  The first week she was a huge help to me at the hospital and driving me back and forth.  The second week she took Ramsey and I since had to teach a course in Moab.  We never would have imagined that this course would get in the way of having the baby! And the third week, she was here to help us get settled after Lyla's homecoming.

This was on mother's day.  I arranged for my mom to participate in Lyla's bath and have the opportunity to hold her for the first time. It was a wonderful evening!
Grammy spent most of her time entertaining Ramsey.  Ramsey is still pretty obsessed with garbage trucks and dumpsters.  He literally screams with excitement when the garbage truck comes.  He also likes to walk around and look into the dumpsters to see what is inside.  And if they are full, that means the truck is coming soon! 
They also had a ton of fun going to the playground, riding bikes, reading books like Wacky Wednesday (and acting it out), and playing hide and seek. But best of all, Grammy gave us a huge head start on the potty training. We now have a potty tracker on the wall.  Ramsey gets a sticker every time he goes potty.  We hope he gets the hang of it soon!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

This is when Ramsey met his little sister for the first time on May 25, 2012 (our 10th wedding anniversary)!  He has been a very good sport this whole time.  Of course he has gotten to spend it with his grandmother, too! Every time he came to visit me in the hospital he received a gift from Lyla, so he really liked coming there.  And when I would leave at night to go back to the hospital, he was very concerned about Lyla.  Either "Lyla's hungry" or "Lyla's dirty" and he was ok with me leaving to go take care of her.  Now that she is home, he is still reacting very well.  He talked to her the whole ride home from the hospital.  He was showing her all the different dumpsters we passed and telling her everything he knows.  He wants to go and peak at her all the time in her co-sleeper.  So far, (knock on wood) he has been very gentle.

Delilah Jayne Hoffmann
Born May 6, 2012 at 12:05 pm
4 pounds 6 ounces, 17 inches long
33 weeks and 5 days
Homecoming: May 29, 2012

Lyla's birth came as quite a surprise to all of us.  There were no signs of complications until I went into labor on the morning of May 6th.  I immediately recognized that everything seemed the same as the placental abruption I had when in labor with Ramsey.   Because of this, we were able to decide to do the c-section much earlier on than the first time.  However, during the labor, was when we found out that we would be in for a long stay at the NICU.

Lyla came pretty quickly and was whisked away for her immediate needs to be taken care of.  She couldn't breath on her own for several days.  She couldn't regulate her own body temperature and she didn't know how to eat.  She was hooked up to oxygen, an IV, a feeding tube, and all kinds of monitoring wires.   She needed to be able to do all of those things in order to come home.  Our stay in the NICU lasted for 23 long days.  I slept at the hospital every night and balanced my days between Ramsey and the hospital.  Lyla could not have been in a better place with better nurses.  She received the best care possible by nurses who really cared about her.

Here's Lyla's first bath 2 days after she was born.  She did not like getting her body washed, but loved getting her hair washed! And of course they like to put little bows in their hair after every bath.

 This is Lyla's isolette with billi lights:

 Kangaroo care was always encouraged.  Although we not allowed to hold her for more than 30 min to an hour depending on how well she could tolerate it.  Even talking to her or something as simple as rubbing her back was too stimulating and exhausting for her to handle.  It is hard to not be allowed to hold and love your baby for so long!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Here is our baby girl at 32 weeks! With all the craziness of having a toddler, we haven't had much of a chance to get ready for her.  During the 5 days I had to myself, I had plenty of time.  I completely rearranged our bedroom to make room for a new dresser/changing table, the rocking chair, and a co-sleeper (with the help of some friends).  Ramsey was so lucky with all the clothes he received, there are plenty of neutral clothes for her up through the 12 months sizes! The dresser is already full of Newborn to 3 months clothes!
I had a couple days of fun, too.  But, now am feeling ready and can't believe it is coming so soon! We are down to doctor visits every two weeks now!
 Ramsey and his Dad took a trip without me all the way to New York for 5 days.  This is the first time I have been away from him for more than an evening! The two did very well together.  They went to cousin Jason's wedding in Long Island.  I heard that Ramsey was a dancing machine on the dance floor.  Wish I could have seen that!

The family got to spend some extra days together, although for an unfortunate reason.  Scott's grandmother passed away just two days before he was supposed to arrived there.  So, the remaining days were spent laying her to rest.  Very unfortunate that the boys missed her by just days.  Scott did get to meet his new nephew Xander below.  What a bunch of cuties!